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Do you end up carrying your toddler a lot on walks? We also do. While piggybacks are great fun for short periods of time, take care of your hips and back by using a preschooler ergonomic baby carrier, designed adjustable especially to fit your 9 months old baby as well as children up to 8 years old!

From big, to bigger and even the biggest, all children want to be carried from time to time.

Babywearing is a form of positive parenting and its benefits extend up to reaching the end of preschool years and beyond!

Of course that exploration is key to a child’s development, but also having your baby close when the situation requires it, is more than important.

Waiting in line, going to doctor’s appointments, hiking, going on a city break, all with a toddler or a preschooler, they all seem easier when a fitted ergonomic baby carrier comes in handy.

And the moment it starts raining and you all need to stay close under one umbrella, or when your little one will be scooting fiercely through the park, but shortly their tiny legs won’t take them back home, this is when you’re going to see ISARA Preschooler’s true colors!

Enjoy babywearing from big to biggest with ISARA Preschooler! Your baby will do it for sure!

Adjustable baby carriers
Toddler - Preschooler size
Size of the child
Min. 80 cm - Max. 128 cm
Body panel width (seat length)
Min. 24 cm - Max. 58 cm
Body panel height
Min. 38 cm - Max. 55 cm
Personal Style
Natural & Chic

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